The World Wind Energy Association has decided to build up a group of lawyers, legal counsels and other interested people with a professional legal background within the Legal Working Group (LWG) to form a global network which concentrates on legal issuses in the wind energy sector. By participating in the LWG, members will help disseminate best practice norms among legal advisors in the wind sector, thus accelerating wind energy development. Contributing will also gain members exposure within the member community of the WWEA and provide them with added business opportunities. More information…

Coordinator of the LGW

  • Tobias Natt

Hybrid Systems

Hybrid Power Systems incorporating wind energy and other renewabel energy sources are a viable option for rural electrification in many parts of the world. At World Wind Energy Conference 2004 in Beijing experts from all over the world paved the way for a global network promoting co-operattion in Hybrid Power System research and application. The WWEA provides an ideal platform to realize this international co-operation in a Hybrid-System Working Group. All WWEA members are invited to join the group contributing with their individual knowledge and experience regarding technology, project implementation, financing, etc.


  • Awareness generation
  • Support for project development and realization
  • Sharing of experiences
  • Establishment of a platform facilitating R&D cooperation and exchange of R&D results
  • Establishment of a database concerning resources and equipment
  • Initiation of training concerning system design, operation and maintenance
  • Encouragement of governments to improve the policy framework
  • Facilitation of Hybrid Power System technology demonstration

Coordinator of the Hybrid Systems Working Group

  • Nico Peterschmidt